Lightweight and comfortable, this Samsung Hands-Free Stereo Headset enables you to carry on conversations while you continue to do other things including listening to music on the go. The one-touch button answers and ends calls, as well as initiates Voice Activated Dialing.
Part Numbers: AAEP404ABE / AAEP404ABEBSTD
The Samsung 3.5mm Handsfree Stereo Headset, manufactured by Samsung is compatible with the T-Mobile Sidekick 4G, Samsung Flight II A927, Conquer 4G D600, Epic 4G D700, Epic Touch 4G D710, Google Nexus S 4G D720, Code i220, Exec i225, Samsung Continuum i400, Fascinate SCH-i500, Mesmerize i500, Droid Charge i510, Captivate i897, Focus i917, Omnia 2 i920, Infuse 4G i997, Galaxy S II AT&T i777, Omnia 7 i8700, Galaxy S i9000, Google Nexus S i9020, Seek M350, M360, Trender M380, Reclaim M560, Restore M570, Replenish M580, Highnote M630, Instinct M800, Instinct S30 M810, Samsung Galaxy Prevail M820, Instinct HD S50 M850, Moment M900, Intercept M910, Transform M920, Freeform R350, Freeform R351, Freeform II R360, Freeform III R380, TwoStep R470, Trill R520, Messager II R560, Messager III R570, Hue II R600, Messager Touch R630, Character R640, Suede R710, Delve R800, Finesse R810, Admire R720, Caliber R850, Acclaim R880, Craft R900, Galaxy Indulge R910, Gravity TXT T379, Dart T499, Gravity SMART T589, Exhibit 4G T759, Behold 2 T939, Vibrant T959, Galaxy S 4G T959V, Trance U490, Convoy 2 U660, Reality U820, Rogue U960 and many other devices that support the standard 3.5mm jack.